Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Golf Tip Tuesday: Manners

It's almost spring. That means it's almost time to get back on the links. Though if you're a serious golfer, you won't let a little cold or snow interrupt your game.

Golf is often called the "gentleman's sport" -- which means manners matter. Of course, show up on any golf course at any time (or just watch the golf channel), and you can you'll find your share of cursing and bad manners and even club-throwing. Because it seems like manners matter less today than they once did.

But they do. When someone has good manners, you almost always notice. Seriously, manners matter in real life, too.

In business, having good manners is usually referred to as acting with professionalism. On a good day it's easy to have good manners and be professional. On a bad day, it's harder. Much like when you hit a bad shot off the tee into the water hazard, it's hard to keep your mouth shut when things are going badly. It's so tempting to lash out and say something best left unsaid.

In the publishing industry, it's really important. The industry is so small, you really want to make sure (especially on social media) that you're as professional as possible. You never know who's listening. Who's watching. And it's only your own brand that you're hurting.

In golf, you always know the serious players by their good manners, even when they are playing badly.

I've blogged about Manners before...here: Golf Tip Tuesday: Manners

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