Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blog Break

I'm going to be taking a break from the blog for a few weeks. Realistically, I'm thinking the first of the year for a target date.

Rest assured, all is fine! Everyone is healthy. There's just a lot of stuff going on right now personally and professionally, and I'm finding I don't have time to focus on the blog.

I will still be blogging at YA Stands every other Wednesday. And I'm still on facebook ( and twitter (@KristineAsselin), so reach out and say hi if you get a chance.

I hope to back with good news and new blog content early in 2013.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Kristine! Enjoy your break. I'm on a break, too. Not posting to my blogs, but trying to keep up on some of the blogs I follow.

MTeacress said...

I'm glad you are well. Good luck with all of your responsibilities and Happy Thanksgiving!