Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Strength in Numbers

It's been so nice to notice my new "followers" this week as a result of Kelly's blog fest. *waves to new followers* Thanks for stopping by!

Kelly did a wonderful thing in bringing a group of unconnected writer's together for support and sharing. Sometimes, it's nice to know that you're not the only one out there. On the other hand, it brings into perspective that there are a lot of us writers out there! Not really competition so much as colleagues.

I've been trying to read all the blogs and all the first pages, but just can't manage everything. What a great opportunity to learn from experienced and not-so-experienced writers and authors. Everyone has something to share!


Unknown said...

The blogging world has been so fantastic! I've been on blogger for 3 months now and I've received so much love and support it's hard not to have fun!!!

There are so many blogs to look at it! Yours being one! I read your first page and it was brilliant! Yay for Kelly's blogfest!

Unknown said...

I just realized I'm not following you! Silly blogger! Once the follower button shows up I'll be right there on your sidebar!

Kristine Asselin said...

Thanks, Jen! I appreciate your compliments -- I love my story, so it's nice to get validation. Just hope the other 55K words are as good... ;)

Tara said...

I love how this bloggy thing works - such a commaraderie out there!

JE said...

Thanks for following my blog! I've done the same for you ;-)

I've got a guest blogger today, if you haven't already checked out the post. Matthew Rush discusses Gender and Publishing.


Matthew MacNish said...

Hi Kris, thanks for the follow. I stopped by to return the favor.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Kris. It was a great blogfest b/c so many different kinds of genre writers could join. It wasn't just a kissing scene or a murder scene. As a mg writer, I could enter. :)

Kristin said...

I agree too, Kris, I might not have found you and a few others had it not been for Kelly! ;)