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Sample of my Published work:
TIMELESS (Pugalicious Press, July 2012)
An anthology of young adult historical romance from Pugalicious Press. "Stella's Hero," my short story co-written with my writing partner Ansha Kotyk, is included in this great collection of romance through time. Available for the Nook (Barnes and Noble) and Kindle (Amazon). July 2012
Love stories that transcend time. From a thousand years ago to the unknown future, Timeless will show how love is timeless. This anthology of love stories contains "The Storyteller's Daughter" by Gayle C. Krause, "And The Nightingale Sang" by Kip Wilson, "A Light Of Victory" by Jennifer Carson, "The Angel Of The Bastille" by J.R. Sparlin, "Stella's Hero" by Kristine Carlson Asselin & Ansha Kotyk, "In This Moment" by D. E. Atwood, and "It Lies Beneath" by Magda Knight.
TIVO: THE COMPANY AND ITS FOUNDERS (Abdo Publishing Company, August 2012)
This title examines the remarkable lives of Mike Ramsay and Jim Barton and their work building the company TiVo. Readers will learn about each founder’s background and education, as well as his early career. Also covered is a look at how TiVo operates, issues the company faces, its successes, and its impact on society. Color photos and informative sidebars accompany easy-to-read, compelling text. Features include a timeline, facts, additional resources, Web sites, a glossary, a bibliography, and an index. Technology Pioneers is a series in Essential Library, an imprint of ABDO Publishing Company.
THE WORST CASE OF PASKETTI-ITIS (4RV Publishing, coming in 2013)
Capstone Press, January 2012
Travel back to a time when: Canon balls were the only weapons of mass destruction. An arrow was more accurate than a gun. Step into the lives of the colonists, and learn the real story of the weapons and battles of colonial America.
Capstone Press, January 2012
How did the Earth form? Why is it dark at night? Why do people get sick? Ancient Egyptians used myths to describe things they couldn't explain. Discover how Egyptians used myths to make sense of their world.
Capstone Press, January 2012
Ancient Egyptians believed pharaohs received their power from the gods. Pharaohs were absolute rulers and formed the link between the gods and humans. Learn more about the pharaohs and their dynasties, including how they lived and how they ruled the people of ancient Egypt.
Capstone Press, August 2011
reviewed by School Library Journal, Fall 2011
Gr 4-6-Clear prose and accessible vocabulary give readers an interesting introduction to life in colonial America. Each volume contains four to five brief chapters, and although most of the information is about white settlers and colonists, facts about Native Americans and African slaves are included. Smatterings of unpleasant and/or gross details (e.g., toad powder as a cure for smallpox, bleeding as a medical cure-all, and the lack of indoor plumbing) that will capture and hold readers' interest are scattered throughout the books. Colorful illustrations, brief primary-source excerpts, and sidebar definitions of glossary terms supplement the texts. Although the large font and brief format limit the amount of background information and details that can be included, this set will attract an audience.--Mary Mueller, Rolla Public Schools, Rolla, MO.
Capstone Press, January 2011
reviewed by School Library Journal, April 1, 2011
Grades 3-6–Sometimes it takes a unique method to present history in a way that is fresh and interesting to children. Pitting historical figures against one another in a contest to see who legitimately accomplished famous achievements is such a device. This series uses clear language, colorful pictures, and primary sources to debunk potentially inaccurate perceptions of historical events. For example, readers learn in America that Christopher Columbus might have been preceded to these shores by Vikings or ancient Siberians, and will be kept in suspense until the “winner” is revealed at the end. Vocabulary definitions are provided on each page, with a separate glossary in the back. History-loving readers will find this series engaging, exciting, and informative--Rita Meade, New Utrecht Branch,Brooklyn Public Library, NY
Click here for another review by the Junior Library Guild.
Capstone Press, January 2011
reviewed by School Library Journal, April 1, 2011
Grades 3-6–Sometimes it takes a unique method to present history in a way that is fresh and interesting to children. Pitting historical figures against one another in a contest to see who legitimately accomplished famous achievements is such a device. This series uses clear language, colorful pictures, and primary sources to debunk potentially inaccurate perceptions of historical events. For example, readers learn in America that Christopher Columbus might have been preceded to these shores by Vikings or ancient Siberians, and will be kept in suspense until the “winner” is revealed at the end. Vocabulary definitions are provided on each page, with a separate glossary in the back. History-loving readers will find this series engaging, exciting, and informative--Rita Meade, New Utrecht Branch,Brooklyn Public Library, NY
Click here for another review by the Junior Library Guild.
Capstone Press, January 2011
The Sun is fiery ball of gas with scalding temperatures and massive explosions. Get up-close to the star that keeps our solar system spinning.
Capstone Press, January 2011
From Earth, they look like twinkling lights. In space, they’re burning hot balls of gas. Get up-close to the stars that burn brightly in our solar system and beyond.
published January 2010, Capstone PressCapstone Press, January 2011
The Sun is fiery ball of gas with scalding temperatures and massive explosions. Get up-close to the star that keeps our solar system spinning.
Capstone Press, January 2011
From Earth, they look like twinkling lights. In space, they’re burning hot balls of gas. Get up-close to the stars that burn brightly in our solar system and beyond.
reviewed by School Library Journal, April 2010
Grades 5 and Up