Thanks to my friend and co host Jonathon Arnston (@JonathonArntson) for his guest post today!
Here's Jon:
When choosing the book to read for our second series run, I made my
selection more out of convenience than out of interest. I visited
Lee Wind's blog and used his list created to highlight books with gay
parents/caretakers. I went down the list and plugged titles into the
search field at the website of my public library. Sadly, very few books
came up, and the ones that did are old looking. We all know those books
are probably of quality, but they are from twelve years ago and more -
most kids are not interesting in those.
In the end, I chose
King of the Screwups, by K.L. Going. Here is the Goodreads description of the novel:
Geller is Mr. Popularity. Everybody loves him. He excels at sports; he
knows exactly what clothes to wear; he always ends up with the most
beautiful girls in school. But he's got an uncanny ability to screw up
in the very ways that tick off his father the most.
Liam [is] finally kicked out of the house, his father's brother takes
him in. What could a teenage chick magnet possibly have in common with
his gay, glam rocker, DJ uncle who lives in a trailer in upstate New
York? A lot more than you'd think. And when Liam attempts to make
himself over as a nerd in a desperate attempt to impress his father,
it's his "aunt" Pete and the guys in his band who convince Liam there's
much more to him than his father will ever see.
Liam first heads to his Uncle's trailer, he focuses on how poorly
decorated and kept his uncle's house and town are. Liam notices the
things that set his cross-dressing uncle apart from the average man.
But, since Liam has been travelling the world with his retired,
supermodel mother, he has already encountered men and women of all walks
of life. Liam's observations of his gay uncle (and his band of friends)
are subtle. He makes mention when his uncle kisses his boyfriend, who
ends up being Liam's English teacher. Liam's mentions are not judgmental
and they show how one can be curious without being rude or assuming.
stands up for gay people throughout the novel. He gets kicked off the
bus by the man who used to bully Liam's uncle's boyfriend in elementary
school. Liam also stands up for those who are not popular, but he does
this in a round-a-bout way. He creates a plot to become unpopular, which
will help him to succeed just like his dad. As his scheme unfolds, he
finds himself digging many, deep holes. As he starts to fall into all of
them, he begins to realize he is loved. Going does this in a non-sappy
and subtle way. As Liam starts to feel loved, he begins to be himself
Liam fails to impress his father, which is his ticket back home, he
abandons his plan to become a nerd. He figures he'll just quite school
and join the army. It may sound trite, but Going sets up the close of
the story with a lot of tension and emotion. I found my heart broken as
Liam realized what he'd thought was his family never really was. But, I
found a patch for my heart as Liam began to realize family is not
defined by the dictionary.
of miles from his New York mansion, Liam finds a huge family within the
friends and neighbors he made in the five weeks away from home.
King of the Screwups
is a great novel. I am thankful I came across it, even if it was not
through the most-desirable process. I hope my public library will expand
its collection of gay parents in YA, but I will mention this book to my
librarians and give it a recommendation. King of the Screwups is a wonderful addition to any personal library, and creates an opportunity for many family and/or classroom discussions.
I hope you'll pick up King of the Screwups soon!
Thanks Jon for your post today! Great review!