Thursday, July 5, 2012

Social Network

Sometimes I need a jolt of energy to get my juices flowing. It might mean caffeine. Or it might be a phone call to a good writing bud. Sometimes it's nice to get together with like-minded friends and talk writing. Not critique group formal, but good-buddy hang out time.
We might or might not drink something that looks like this:
Right now, I'm working on a rewrite. And it's a slow process. I'm at a sort of cross-roads with it. I really need a jolt of my writers network. So I'm meeting some friends on Tuesday. 
But...I'm planning a bigger Meet up in August. August 14 to be precise. Not sure of the location yet. I'm thinking about the British Beer Works in Westford. I guessing a few of us could use that jolt of energy from a group of like-minded friends.

If you're in the central/eastern Massachusetts area (or southern NH), and want to be on my contact list for Meet Ups, let me know in the comments!


Katy Upperman said...

I wish I was in the Massachusetts area! I could definitely use a boost from some fellow writers, and it would be so fun to hang out with you!

I hope your rewrite is going smoothly (as smoothly as possible, anyway!). Feel free to email anytime you need to vent or celebrate!

Laura S. said...

That's a great idea, Kristine. We writers need our writer friends, that's for sure!

Anna Staniszewski said...

Sometimes all I need to do is complain to another writer about my WIP and everything feels better. :-) Hoping I can make the August meet-up!

Heather Kelly said...

That is all.