Wednesday, August 22, 2012


There's still a few more days to submit your session proposal for the conference next May (May 3-5, 2013, to be exact). Deadline is Monday, August 27. We've started to glance at the proposals we have and we're so excited. It's going to be a rock-solid conference with lots of great sessions on craft and the business of writing.

Here's the link...

We'd still love to see some more proposals on craft for beginners, master level sessions for published authors, and sessions specifically for illustrators.

If you're going to be in New England next May, put the conference on your calendar. We'll have an excellent roster of editors and agents, great sessions to help hone your craft, fabulous keynote speakers, and a large network of writers.

Laura Pauling, Jennifer Carson, Heather Kelly, Erin Manack, Ansha Kotyk, and Alicia Gregoire
If you're interested in volunteering, stay tuned. We'll have a call for volunteers in early 2013.
Stephen Fraser, Chris Brodien-Jones, Jennifer Laughran, Kate Messner, Vickie Motter, and ME!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Point of View

After reading this great post--here--on point of view on the SF Signal blog, I wanted to blog about it myself.

This is a great article describing the three different points (first, second, third) of view in writing:

I've just finished a complete rewrite of my WIP, taking it from third person past tense, to first person present tense. While the plot remained basically the same, the POV shift required me to touch every sentence.

When I started the story, I couldn't write it in first person. It was too close to my personal experience. Too personal. Too much inside my own head. I was so afraid it would be too much like baring my soul.

But you know what? The story really needed to be told in first. And once I had the story out of my head in third person, I realized I could write it in first.

And I didn't realize it until I started this rewrite. I'd dragged my feet until it was absolutely clear. Staring me in the face. Kate needed to tell her own story.

To my surprise, it also came out in present tense. That part wasn't my intention, and I'm less confident about it. But sometimes you have to go with what your gut is telling you to do. I hope I've been able to make the story more immediate. More relevant.

How do you know? You don't always. I got my agent with the story written in third. I know plenty of people who've revised to first after getting an agent or contract on a book written in third.

Write the story the way it comes out of you. You can always revise. And while it IS daunting to stare down a 75K word rewrite, you do it one word, one sentence at a time. Until you're done.

What POV do you like to write in?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer Kid Lit Meet Up

I know summer is a busy time, but I'm scheduling a Meet Up in August.

Date: August 14, 2012
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Aprile's Restaurant, Chelmsford, MA

For writers, illustrators, agents, editors, librarians...anyone who loves kid lit and wants to chat in person! No program, just hanging out with a glass of wine or a beer.

Let me know if you plan to attend, so I can give a count to the restaurant.